Bree is a spirited and standout font that takes its inspiration from handwriting. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Young g: (off alone)
“Restless fizzle I sleep inside,
jelly is my nature.
cold cola pepsi are my teeth solid form.
Mondays are my eyes when they don’t blink.
Mona Lisa is the smile, perfect print.
This body has nor a front, nor a back
My hearts whispers are whiskey drops, I wish
dumb dum-di-doo di doom doom
connections loose running
moon, sun and honey, sure some
money would be good, look
y’all reckon that you know nothing
but you know nothing! ‘course you own something,
prince perched to mount solitude has for only company a goose blue one who’s wings flap and flop like dick drop too short.
Look Look Look LOok Oooo O OK I’m at west where east
is seated north, forth
coming where dawn reboots
disney dystopian jolt motion stick to masses victim cerebellum caput fingertip spun did you hear the humming of
never mind, quick fun
but um - i seem not to recall as mine
as mine MINE (echo takes over)
The technique of his was phonetic.
“Dystopic picture perfect fiction
these longing thin long long and thin
things lost things lost
lost altar
lost altar
lost all earth is altar lst lust
lust alter
alt frequency
delete delete
put heat
add add heat
adhere adhere
It seems like there was operation table
but where? I don’t know heat
a surgery took place, takes place
will take place.
Whispers repeat heat
re re re
re re repeat
of all will take place
Will will take place
whispers was the operation table
but where will take place
I don’t -
re re re peat .”
The crowd was looking outside and yawning, some checking their watches. The spokesman pauses to have a sip of infusion, he quickly urges to comment “tea tea tea” before resuming speech.
Young G:
“The systemic sis gendered defect, imprint
imprint imprint
thumbs up- agreed.
thumbs up- agreed eat
the Greedy, I’m…
In heart of a paradox,
feel somwht like a parrot boxed in-
forget etch fog
fog net fg wasp
to escape realness is was
quickly restored
quickly restored
augmented response
response augmented response
vaulted alt alt
One woman collapses dead. She apparently had contracted a form of virus that kill people when confronted to abominable cyborg litterature.
Anothers sigh and wonders when the performance would end, saying, “Nowaday’s art is meaningless…”
Another skinny chump with a mustache replies, “oh common Marguerite, we’ve got to let these kids express themselves, times are changing and we’re making ourselves old. Gather up an open mind won’t you?”
Young G Warps in and out of his own shape, appearing at different places of the room making glitches in reality, intermittent radio apparitions shape circular waves of crystal like powder that float across the room.
Young G pursues,
“Strayed source Of course: OFF course
… Idle errant isotope
top bottom bottom top
blurrish fog
ruin eye dug a dog prism
sees sees sees sees all
alt c seed seed and seeds
eat eat this sea
is eaten eat seed skrrrt
skrrrt skrrrt skkrrt
seed sead
pace back
to sleep One step
the creator on(c)e step(ped)
in creation’s womb
set set set
a faction of inward which was
IN IN IN system always
negate faction -N word-
scattered things combine to make a sea
sea sea sea
inward faction of this on(c)e (upon a mind) was hollow
[by now] we could read the lips and it spoke
[it spoke/]
[it] soap
and what did it spoke
what did it hope?
(Now lost, then lost)
the solitary by now, solipsistic
in never ending dream was once the creator stepped
out from role to become part of creation. Unfixed,
Now lost,
Otherwise speak
and speak until your lips will threatenly drop.
Ups and down for the most of what we prop
as days lonely disperse
dispatched long hatched ostrich
smoke melt scent wrap all stringent
strings attached offsprings sprung
life one grey sandwich
[re [re [re] report to port] report”