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tires house.png
Schermafbeelding 2017-10-17 om 23.14.15.

Phase 00:

tires crossing my path

The new moon of tyres, being the birth this projects. When i was in latvia for the first time. I drove to the land, a farm that would become a project land focussing on permaculture, art and open society research, on my way their gagging at the swamp on the road, they were laying  their lost and lonely. The swamp winking me to take them out.

A start of out dialoge

The swamp calling

Before leaving this pattern map appeared on my arm. the pattern servered as a compass on this journey. As the chuchs used to be build with only a drowing on the ground the i tended to use the map as a base plan

Patterns guide

Schermafbeelding 2018-04-21 om 22.26.53.
kids tires_10.png
kids tires_10.png
Phase 00

Phase 0 1:

reseach and tests

Phase 01

Nature is abandance

In the waxing moon 1 first quarter moon phase it was all about practice and getting to know the tire better. Working with tires makes an automatic connection with today's trash behavior and how we work with material and objects. With this in mind me and Loucka made experimental video work (video above).

If we learn to see trash as our new building material than we are rich. Value shift is a propose that comes with this project. Nature is abundance. Plant on seed you should have a tons each year.

Nature is abandance

ideas grow while sleeping


3D to physical research

3d tires are easier to think an play around with. Blender is my first platform to play around with architecture. Coming back to Latvia i was doing an auto report while handeling the tires physically and writting the ideas from the retrospective of the images. To enhance a intuitive creation pattern. Ending with a hexagon idea to tension wire (buckmisterfuller) the tire pilar down.

Art has always been in dialogue with teaching for me. During the summer weeks at speelplan (playplan) I brought the tire research to the minds of the childern, by observation i could see what children would do with the tire with out indication. Play full they could get to know the material, hereby I try to make the earlier aware of the need to rethink trash, by tactility.
Maybe one of them will become genius creators with trash and here by bringing new solution to a future they will be confronting.

kids are definitly the future

Phase 02:

Proposeing a concrete project

Phase 02
Animated GIF-downsized.gif
mission cuts0.png
mission cuts1.png
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